Windows 11 is Out | Who Should or Should Not Use this? | Here are My Thoughts…

7 min readDec 3, 2021


There is actually a lot to say about this topic. Windows 11 is getting a lot of attention, for both good and bad reasons. Let’s sort it out and end it here.


Well… I’m kind of late to the party. Most people have already made their contents on this, while I was just spending time having a deeper dive into this system. But, hey. It’s better late than never…… (Don’t judge me)

Ok, I have a lot to say and I’ll just shorten this into an readable article. Article, I’ll talk about all the factors which affect your decision, who should actually use this, and finally I’ll say out my decision, opinion and thoughts.

And btw, (something off topic but for people who have been following) I’m likely to have less (if not no) posts for the next couple of weeks since I’m planning on an article which takes up a LOT of effort and time. Make sure to follow me so that you won’t miss it.

Ok… What’s New?

You might here a lot of people say that there are a couple of new features which would help us. But, I have to say. There are a LOT of stuff which are new. It’s just that…. “Most of them are either back-end which cannot be noticed, or they are useful just to the pros”. Now, don’t get me wrong there are some new features for normal home users too, but I think it is time we need to agree that windows is not trying to concentrate more towards pros.

The Design Interface : The most noticeable

Now you might disagree on this, but… I just think the Design just looks off in many ways. Some people think of the “glassy” style of this to be like windows 7, and some people think of this as something closer to mac OS.

Honestly for me I think this is more towards mac OS, considering the more 3d-like icons and animations which also are close to mac. This completely subjective so you can think of this as however you want.

The new taskbar & start setting though is probably the worst after so long. You cannot align to left or right or top, you cannot have the old style of start menu, you also cannot even have smaller icons in the taskbar. (usually gives me some screen space). Now yes… you can autohide it, but I still want to have it, just smaller. This is something which I just did not like. I hope there would be some changes.

Also, I had to say this. When you have all the pinned apps and start button at the centre, you have a huge empty space at the left, and you have “status bar” at the right. Am I the only one who thinks that this alignment is a bit out off proportion? I mean… You might have a different perspective here.

The Linux Integration : Depends on You

For those of you who don’t know, this feature let’s you have Linux terminal open in windows, which means you can have Linux specific apps or literally any feature which exists in Linux(except actually running a GUI).

Now, for me personally this was of no use. There is nothing as such which I had in Linux which I CANNOT have in windows (in the terminal. Off course there are a lot of stuff in the GUI). Almost all apps were working in windows and I had nothing to do with that feature.

So, for me it really did not make much of difference.

The Hardware : Definitely negative for most people

This is obvious. Windows has always been an operating system made for everyone (at least what I thought). Hardware should be one of it’s strengths in order to win people(even gamers). It really does not seem like they are trying to achieve a better hardware speck for windows. I mean, at this point in windows 11, only intel i3, i5, i7 and i9(it’s very similar specks in amd), can support windows 11. even after that, you have some more filters which would probably hit you (like the processor generation, tpm support and so on…)

Android Support : Something which I’m waiting for even after the release of windows 11

Now this is a really useful feature, having natively supporting android apps not only means that you can install apps like kinemaster, and most games for which are meant for mobile but can be played with a pc. Now you have to get clear here. Yes, you can install play store with some tweaks, but all the apps are made for mobile phones so you are limited by options. Not just that, the actual apps you get would be apps from amazon app store which is play stores alternative, just a much much less popular one.

Now, this ALSO has no use for most people since most apps are incompatible or just not made for pc. Some people like mobile enthusiasts or maybe people who want to play games from play store, can get this if they want. But sadly, I’m still waiting for that feature. Microsoft has decided NOT to have it in the beginning.

Ok.. So Who should/Should not use this?

Considering the new bugs, bloatware and tons of performance hog along with the amazing new looks and designs, support and overall improvements. Here is what I would say(I am completely subjective, so you might not agree with this which is also fine)…

Should Use

Windows 11, off course is probably made for people who seek bleeding edge technology, and who give a MAJOR priority to new looks and designs. If you are person who wants some new design interface with refreshed looks and bored of the older windows looks, this is the new one to get bored of after which you’d get the next version of windows.

Also, windows 11 would be awesome for you if you are a big fan of having the pinned apps at the centre (honestly I’m not one of them). I’m not gonna include android here since it is not yet released and we don’t know the future. That would be another good feature if you miss having your mobile apps in Windows. But, I would not recommend switching right away since we don’t have it yet.

If you are a gamer and a big fan of auto HDR support which is new in windows 11, you might consider switching.

Should Not Use

Windows 11 would have more stuff to talk in here. You see… It really has nothing new to an average user. I mean yes… Android apps are something which a normal user would want. But, it is also something which you don’t have yet.(at the time of writing this)

You probably don’t want to use Windows 11 for development(for now). Again, there is nothing new which could change the workflow of a developer (other than some changes in UWP and WPF if I’m not wrong) not to mention the new “hardware problems” which you might get.(even if you are not a developer)

Also, If you are not ok with some small little bugs in the system, Windows 11 is not yet for you.

Gamers are set in windows 10 for now. Maybe after some time when windows 11 has far more difference than windows 10, you could switch. But currently, as a gamer, the only thing you get is auto HDR and maybe some backend advantages. But that’s about it.

A normal home user, without a doubt should probably not use windows 11 till it gets mature enough. It has almost nothing new for them(again, excluding the android apps).

My Thoughts

Honestly, I am still thinking… Should I enjoy the bleeding edge of Windows 11? Should I stay in the stability if Windows 10? Or should I just switch to something like linux or mac?

Currently, for a short term, I’m gonna switch to 11. But, that’s not my final long term decision. So… I don’t know(if I don’t make any decision I’m gonna probably stay where I am)

But, at this point about Windows, I have to say that it is not what it used to be. I still know many people still having windows 7, even after it’s end of life. They off course don’t care since windows 7 is still the most popular and successful one of all. Looking at the graph of interest, I have to come to a conclusion that I guess Windows is now in it’s decline (I;m subjective here… You can think of it as anything).

So that’s about it for now. Make sure to check out my youtube channel “FadinGeek” and I’ll meet you next time…

You are Awesome!





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