Web Extensions Which You Should Consider Using

I’ve compiled a list of web extensions that changes your complete workflow of yours and just makes it more efficient in time

5 min readSep 15, 2022

Web extensions… Something which you either care about and you have too many or you don’t care about and you have one or two. I’d say I’m one of those people who have tons of extensions installed. Besides the disadvantage of your browser getting slower with every extension (which is not noticeable if you have a reasonably powerful computer), you would get a very improved experience while you are just using it and I can’t specify how helpful it has been.

Also, this is my 100th article so… yaaaayy!

Which Web Browser?

The extensions I would mention below are available in the chrome and firefox stores, which should be able to cover most web browsers like Edge, Vivaldi, Fire/Waterfox, Opera, and all the other browsers based on Chrome or Firefox. If you are using a very obscure web browser like… I don’t know… Internet Explorer, PaleMoon, or something like that, you probably can’t install any of the below extensions.

Best Chrome Extension for Homescreen: Momentum

Here is a chrome extension that you might want to have if you use a web browser like edge where you would be bombarded with Microsoft ads, and a home page that does not look good — Momentum. It’s a very efficient chrome extension that gives you a clean, good-looking home screen (without ads) and surprisingly impressive backgrounds which change. It has some extra features like a to-do list, weather, some interesting quotes below, and so on… Although I wouldn’t recommend using the to-do thing at the corner, it could be of some use at some point for you guys.

Best Extension To Link Anything: Link To Text Fragment

Let’s say you are reading this article (yes… This one) and you just want to highlight something. Of course, you could do that using Medium, but let’s say you want to share the exact location and the text which you highlighted in the article with someone else, maybe through a link. This is where the Link to Text Fragment extension comes in. This is where you could select some text using that non-loving mouse you have, and click on the extension icon above to generate the link which would be copied into your clipboard and could be shared anywhere. For example here is a link I created. See where it goes.

Of course, it also helps you just bookmark it for yourself and create a compilation of all the needed links in your notion or todo app.

Best Extension For Bookmarking Any part of my Web: Liner

Liner is the web extension I’m talking about here. Using this, you could bookmark anything from text to timestamps of videos, to even music which you could highlight from apps like Spotify! It’s very different from the below extension though and I’ll talk about it there. But overall, you get a lot of features to manage your highlights from the liner. It’s the best for highlighting without a doubt. Although you might get some flickering bugs here and there, it completely changes the look and style of some websites like YouTube, and even Medium (it gives you this sidebar at the corner which you could disable if you want).

Best Extension For Note Taking: Save to Notion

But… But… Save to Notion should not be confused with the Liner, which is used for marking and bookmarking stuff. Save to Notionextension basically lets you create small linked tiles (a shortcut/link) to any website you want into NOTION — a note-taking app. They both have their own different use cases and should be used differently.

This is a huge mistake I did. I started using this as a bookmarker for my important stuff. This creates a mess in your Notion, mixing up actual stuff you might want to keep. So as of now, I keep this extension for note-taking. Maybe to link a web or video into my article/notes, maybe keep it for further research, and so on. Whereas on my liner app, I would thoroughly segregate it into a place where I could dump shit I might want in the future, some YouTube video ideas I might want to use in the future, and finally some music videos/other videos I want to watch or show to others… You know what I mean.


Starting off strong, and ending up in insane extensions, here is an extra number of Chrome extensions which I found very helpful and I think will too. It’s a YouTube video from my channel, and it does not contain any extensions mentioned below and is a completely different set of extensions. Maybe check it out! You won’t lose anything.

So… What’s Your Fav?

If there is an extension that you think should be on this list, Let me know in the reply. I’ll definitely try them out and also update this post with your extension (and your shoutout).


There are many many more that I’m definitely covering up in the future of my content either on YouTube, here, or on any other platform you are in. With that said, If you think I deserve some support, consider supporting me through Patreon, and I’ll meet you in the next one.

You’re Awesome :)





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