Unity Engine is Dead… The Game Dev Industry is Suffering

3 min readSep 29, 2023


If you come in and say “Unity” to game developers, many of them have a reflex action to faint these days. The reason is not that it has advanced quality similar to Unreal Engine, It’s because they decided to kill themselves… Along with every other smaller game developers.

Unity Engine has been one of the most popular game engines in the world for many years. It has been used to create a wide range of games, from indie hits like Stardew Valley to AAA blockbusters like Call of Duty: Mobile. However, Unity’s new terms and rules have led many developers to believe that the engine is now dead.

The New Terms and Rules

Unity’s new terms and rules, which were announced in January 2023, include a number of changes that have been met with criticism from developers. The most notable change is the introduction of a new commission structure. Under the new commission structure, Unity will charge developers a 30% commission on all revenue generated from games made using the Unity engine. This is a significant increase from the previous commission structure, which was 15%.

Another notable change is the introduction of new rules regarding how developers can use Unity assets. Under the new rules, developers are prohibited from selling or redistributing Unity assets, even if they have modified them. This is a major restriction for developers, as it prevents them from creating and selling their own assets or from sharing assets with other developers.

The Impact on Developers

The new terms and rules have had a significant impact on developers. Many developers have expressed their frustration with the changes, and some have even announced that they will be switching to other game engines, such as Unreal Engine 5.

The new commission structure is particularly problematic for small and indie developers. For these developers, a 30% commission can make it difficult to make a profit from their games. The new rules regarding Unity assets are also problematic for developers, as they restrict their creativity and make it more difficult for them to create and share assets.

The Future of Unity Engine

It is too early to say for sure what the future holds for Unity Engine. However, the new terms and rules have led many to believe that the engine is now dead. The new commission structure and the new rules regarding Unity assets are major turn-offs for developers, and it is likely that many developers will switch to other game engines as a result.

If Unity does not change its terms and rules, it is likely that the engine will lose market share to other game engines, such as Unreal Engine 5. This would be a major blow to the game development industry, as Unity is used by developers of all sizes to create games for a wide range of platforms.


Unity Engine’s new terms and rules have been met with widespread criticism from developers. Many developers believe that the new terms and rules make the engine uncompetitive and that they will be switching to other game engines as a result. The future of Unity Engine is uncertain, but it is clear that the new terms and rules have had a significant impact on the game development industry.

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