Transition to 2022 in Tech/Game/Softwares

6 min readJan 2, 2022


Here are changes that can expect in 2022| Starting with something simple and vague but ending with something life-changing and revolutionary…

2021 was a fast year… For some of us, it was suffering due to the pandemic which we had and for the others, it was free time and an opportunity to do what we want to do(of course, it depends on the country we are from). But, some huge changes took place in 2021, which would affect 2022 and the future in an enormous way. We’ll be covering

  • gaming
  • software
  • hardware
  • companies
  • tech
  • products and so on…

Let’s go over them right here…

Hardware And Tech

A Huge Tech Introduced By Apple

2021–2022 is also one of those drastic lifts in the general hardware. The last one like this was probably about 10 years ago. The next major version of the MacBook was released. Well, they finally seem to realize that size does not matter as much… So, they thankfully added some ports but made the base of the laptop fairly thicker, and of course made the MacBook more expensive as usual.

The real change is the CPU. We have now seen a HUGE change in the CPU through the new M1 and M2 chips. They have become so powerful, that they can beat the other competitors, very easily with almost double capacity. I mean… If Apple does it, other companies copy it. Apple introduced iPhone in 2008, Samsung introduced touch screen phones in about a year. So, Apple introduced the new CPU tech with double speed, expecting new CPUs with the same features.

More And More Foldable Tech

We already have seen mobiles, tablets, and other foldable tech devices. The devices like that have increased in 2021. We will have to expect more devices like that… You know… Devices that are foldable, or resizable, or anything like that. And expect that with anything and everything. Speakers, microphones, monitors, keyboards, etc… to decrease its space occupied through some new tech.

AR and VR

I mean… I expect this real soon… Real glasses which you can wear and you are now viewing a monitor of a computer. Maybe this would not be so good for your eye cause it would show a screen that is near to your eyes, but it’s too good when it comes to user experience and you know that companies would make use of it. It would be very good for basic web browsing or maybe just watching videos. The cost might be the reason we don’t see this now, but they optimize this enough for a monitor, it would be a good hype and a selling point.

The Great Metaverse By Facebook

Come on… This is probably a very good hype, but people are not gonna use it. Now, here me out. People who enjoy more tech, people like you and me might love it. They really are talking about connecting people in literally every way possible using the technology we have right now. The problem with this is that… Nobody except the people in the tech industry cares about this. Apart from the fact that this would be expensive, it would also be completely Facebook-oriented. People who are into the field of technology would not recommend this due to… Well… It’s the owner’s history. You have to remember that metaverse is made by people who are literally caught collecting data, every time they said they did not…

And it’s not just that. It just looks like we can do all those stuff from our mobile phones instead. The only thing driving this is technology, which is appreciated by people who are tech-savvy. I mean you get my point here…


The Release of Stream Deck — The new Nintendo Switch?

Well… Nintendo really did not have a competitor till 2021. I mean… I’m pretty sure there would be some competitors, but they are probably either not capable to compete or have some drawback to compete with a company as huge as Nintendo Switch…

Steam Deck is probably the most worthy opponent of all. It is a Linux-based gaming device used to… well… play games. I have to say this is probably the best attempt to compete with Nintendo. So with this, we can expect the numbers to go down in the future. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that Switch would go bankrupt tomorrow, it’s just that… Those hundreds of people out there who were planning to go with Switch would now go towards the steam deck.


IDE and Text Editors would Merge

With the release of the JetBrains fleet, you can expect the future is gonna be merging IDEs and Text Editors. I’m sure that Microsoft would react to this in their way and would make some decisions to compete accordingly. This would lead us to the future which would be… Let’s say… different than what it is. We won’t be using a “Text Editor” or an “IDE”. We would probably have something else replacing this. So maybe in a couple of years, you would be coding in an application made by some other creative people with some other creative ideas…

Adobe Can Now Be Used In Linux

Well yes… Adobe has finally announced its suite of applications to be compatible on the web. This means if you have a web browser in Linux(don’t say you don’t), you can have an adobe application. We can expect that to be released in 2022. This could change the thought about Linux since we could have a huge chunk of people using adobe to go to Linux.

We are also seeing this new age, where most application you use run directly from the web… It was MS Suit and now it’s Adobe. This indicates we are moving towards a more “web” side of things cause the web is compatible with LITERALLY every operating system(except if you create your own os without web in it).

The No-Code would continue to Take Over

And I mean it here… Literally every place which could have no code, will have it. The next place with huge demands for a developer would be to develop a no-code app. That being said since it’s now too easy for people to just develop websites and… You know… Simple algorithms by themselves without needing a developer, you can expect more competition and low employment for developers. This is completely subjective and opinionated and can differ from person to person.


At least for me, 2021 was a wild ride. I started my medium posts, my YouTube channel, finished my school (at the time of writing, I’m in my college), and of course, learned a lot! Wishing all of you guys a Happy New Year, I hereby conclude this post with the future 2022 ahead of me…

You’re Awesome :)





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