TOP 5 Websites You NEED To Know About #1…

And trust me, at least one of them is gonna change our life

4 min readNov 26, 2022

Ok… You’ve read the title, I don’t want to make this article long and boring, you get the idea of what you are getting into now, let’s go!

Photo by Daniel Korpai on Unsplash


This web app (without h in the whiteboard), is made to serve some quick use cases to you. It does not do anything special, but does something simple and easy in a quick way. It allows you to draw anything you want on a quick board-like white screen. But here is the catch. The white screen could be synced with your friend and could be controlled from multiple sources with a link. This is helpful if you want to draw and show something in realtime or maybe you’re playing “XOX” game online with your friend.

Tomato Timer

If you ware into promodoro technique where you work for 25 minuites and take a 5 minuite break, this website is for you. It’s used as a web replacement to the app alternatives you get for this technique, in case you work in PC more than phone.


In short, this basically gives a quick riddle round for your brain and is meant to be asked every day for a few minuites. It’s one of those websites to give your brain a quick refresh/break from whatever you are doing in a fun way and also by keeping you brain engaged.


Just like it’s name, this app helps you do everything releated to calming your mind, like meditation, sleep, etc, not mention it also helps you in self improvement, focus, etc.

It starts off by asking a series of questions to you. These questions are mildly specific on what problem you face in the above list. Based on your answers, it’ll pair you up with an answer given by another person with the same problem, which was helpful to other people with a good rating by others. As simple as that.


This is not really an website, but a web extension, basically showing a list of your favorite dev/coding/software related feed of interesting articles and so on from all over the internet including Medium, from which even my article was in the trending once… Didn’t mean to say that.

But yeah… This is a productuve point of looking at the home screen of the web browser you are using and does come into use at some point. I mean… There will be something which would catch your eyes while surfing around and turn up usefull to you.


This is a bonus considering it does not really “help” most people rading this. It would only help people who are trying to reach to more people for business, social media and so on. Also, it’s a paid platform, although you do get a free 30 day trial.

This platform help you to reach out to more people by a series of simple siggestions and follow ups, and help you get more social media reach, followers, subscriptions, business clients, etc.

So yeah… I hope you guys got something from this and enjoyed it. I’ll be making more videos on this on YouTube and Insta. If you feel like contributing to me, consider my Patreon. With that said, follow my socials for more like this and I’ll meet you in the next one.

You’re Awesome :)





Written by FadinGeek

Tech ⚙️ Finance $ | Learning & Trying | Sharing discoveries & mistakes #lifelonglearner

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