This Unity Game Asset Made My Life So Easy…

4 min readNov 9, 2021


I know Your feeling. You are probably either exhausted coding the same stuff again and again, or maybe just don’t want to code the coring stuff. If not any of the above you probably don’t want to waste your time coding stuff which are time consuming and rather want to use that time for your other “artwork of your game”. So… here is a quick, easy and effective solution you can get!

Prefab Scripting — An asset which can really save your time in a huge way!

Well… this is the asset for you. It is a unity asset, which you can get in the asset store, that offers you some of the most used features in a game, like dialog system, fps controller, platformer with smooth camera & player movement, and 3D & 2D character shooter and 20+ other tools. These can seem very silly right now, but trust me… At a long run, you can finish work in a easier and a faster way, which means you can save time for making other aspects of it better.

edited: added a trailer

How It Works

Now let’s you are trying to build a platformer game. If you were to do all of this by yourself, you end up wasting time coding your player, (let’s say about 1hr) which could be used for making the player animation look better, or maybe model the player in a better way.

You literally have to drag and drop the Player, and the rigid body component to create a complete player with smooth movement on input
drag and drop all the game objects as shown above… You should now have a nice 3d platformer, with smooth movements

But, let’s say you have imported this asset into your project. All you have to do now, is to open the 3d prefabs editor window, create the platformer tool. That’s it! You now get an empty game object with the tool script attached in the inspector. All you have to do now, is drag and drop the Game Object which would be the platformer, modify the speed (how you want), and that’s it! You can now focus on the animations and so on! Simply put, it let’s you focus on stuff, which you HAVE to focus on.

NOTE : This article is written in the very first version of this asset. There is probably many many more assets coming up in the later releases.

It’s parts

There are 3 parts in this unity asset. You can have a look at them in the “prefab Script” tab. 3D, 2D andUI.


Now… in 3D, part of this, you get the following

  • 3D Character — fps
  • 3D Shooter — fps which can shoot
  • Destroyer — destroys object on conditions, like delay, and so on
  • Look At — Points towards a Game Object
  • Mouse Drag — An object which can be dragged with a mouse cursor
  • Platformer — A player with smooth movement to move in 2 opposite direction
  • Set 3D movement — Sets movement to any object on any axis
  • Set 3D rotation — Sets to rotate to any object on any axis
All the 3D stuff you get in the 1st release. More of them coming in later releases

So… You know what I’m saying. This takes comparatively very less time.


Here’s all the 2D stuff you get through this asset : -

  • 2D Character
  • 2D Character Shooter
  • 2D Platformer
  • 2D Destroyer
  • Mouse Follower
  • Object Follower
  • Path Follower
  • Look At
  • Moving Platform
  • Set Movement
All the 2D stuff you get in the 1st release. More of them coming in later releases

Well… Think about what you can do in the saved time. Make you player model look better? Or just relax!! (Come on.. I am a game dev I know your feeling)


So… All the stuff you get in this are : —

  • Dialog System
  • Game Menu (pause, play, exit)
  • Main Menu
  • Object creator (on conditions)
  • Object destroyer (on conditions)
  • object create on button press
  • Object destroy on button press
  • Pop Up
  • Scene transition (smooth animation from 1 scene to another)
  • Simple efficient Vignette
All the UI stuff you get in here

Well… I remember that one day I got stuck with dialog system. I just could not create it effectively (The bugs!). Well… You get it here.

Pricing : —

Well… You’ll have to pay about $7 in total once, which probably is worth paying for. You now, have an extra asset which you can use, for your whole life, which can save days of works in just a week.

Readme to the Unity Asset is here if any help

YouTube Videos to guid are also here : —

  1. UI Prefabs

2. 2D Prefabs

3. 3D Prefabs


This is a game changer, at least for me. Through this, I can not only focus on creating my stuff (player, platformer and so on) in a click, I can now also just focus on my Games (design, looks, etc). It just improves my workflow. Not joking.

All right so that is about it for this post. I hope this helped you in a massive way. Be sure to check out the assets and ill meet you next time :)




Written by FadinGeek

Tech ⚙️ Finance $ | Learning & Trying | Sharing discoveries & mistakes #lifelonglearner

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