The WORST Linux Distributions NEVER to Try

This Just Proves That There Is A Dark Side To Everything



Yeah… There are distros that I would never even think about trying and which I strictly hate and you should too. This… is not an opinion, I think everyone should hate them. No, I’m not insane, you’ll see what I mean in a minute.

Photo by Gabriel Heinzer on Unsplash

Honestly I don’t know what the reaction of this article is gonna be. I just wanted to share my thoughts on them(you know, thrash them up).

Intro & Disclaimer

You know… There are some Linux distros like Arch Linux, Debian, etc which everybody likes. We have Ubuntu which has the same number of like as the number of hates. We also have init systems like systemd which is highly used but hated by many “with passion”. But we never go deeper than this. This time, we go a bit deeper inside the rabbit hole. Places where we should not go into, and also places which really stink with these bad distros.

In short, this article will be different from my other articles.

I don’t know how to write disclaimers(nor do I read any), but this article needs one, so I’ll try writing one.

The below Linux Distros do not deserve to exist in any way due to obvious reasons. The below distributions are completely useless and might be offensive. Please consider reading this with an open mind. I’m not gonna link their websites, because of, again, obvious reasons.

Apartheid Linux

You know, sometimes I feel I should have learned to write articles in a harsher way. This is one of those moments.

A person who wants to discriminate based on race, religion, gender, etc would probably try their best in every way. Of course, Linux was not an exception. Apartheid Linux is a Linux Distro that serves LITERALLY NO use case. No features, no appeal, nothing extra. It’s simply made to… well… promote racism. This useless distro uses offensive, disturbing, racist wallpapers and a seemingly ugly layout. It uses tor as its main web browser(how unsurprisingly dumb).

Think about yourself as a new Linux user. You come to this place and you see this… The first thing you do is to never come back. Yeah… If this distro contributed anything to the Linux community, it is completely negative.

I mean I am not into law and stuff, but just saying… Isn’t there any law to make this illegal? Clearly, there should be irrespective of what country it is in.

Ubuntu Satanic Edition

BTW, these people boast this distro as Ubuntu SE, which… well would have probably fooled some people thing of SE as Second Edition(I feel sorry for them).

Ubuntu Satanic Edition has received numerous complaints and messages of discouragement. A quick glance at the news section reveals that Ubuntu SE 666.10 “Necrophiliac Neuromancer” doesn’t go down too well in the web’s Christian circles. — As per some users

SO… Clearly this distro is offensive to religions. Again, isn’t this illegal?

The distro of choice for Satanists the world over, is of course made for a… very niche part of the world to say the least. You know… the worshippers of the devils? (I think I’m correct here). The developers of this distro have always thought it’s a very bad move of Ubuntu to move away from Unity and GNOME 2. So what did they do? They created hell on Earth I guess.

Hannah Montana Linux

WARNING : staring at this image could blind you

How to be not offensive, yet be the worst distro? Don’t worry… I’ve got you covered. This Linux Distro is made for the fans of Hannah Montana(which I don’t even know about).

The standard KDE menu has become the Hannah Montana Menu, the background is sickly pink and according to one reviewer, the lack of GIMP, LibreOffice, or KOffice is a bit of an oversight for an educational distro.

— By The Unfortunate Reviewer who tried it :(

If you google this, you get a desktop filled with pink. LITERALLY, every element in it is over-saturated pink on color which is enough to blind even a pink lover. The wallpaper is SO pale, it’s solid pink, white dots, and a picture of the celebrity which this Linux Distro is named after.

“Honourable Mentions”

Below are some other “honorable” distros who tried their best, but could not be the worst distro.

  • Red Star OS: It has something to do with North Korea
  • Moebuntu: The over pink Distro again
  • Sabily: Think of Apartheid Linux but for Religion
  • Biebian: Justin Bieber Linux… Really?

I’ll post most videos on Tech/Development/Design/Editing on my YouTube channel as well. That’s about it in this article, I’ll see you in the next one.

You’re Awesome :)




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