Getting Dynamic Notch On Android!

You guys probably know that the new iPhone 14 has just created a flame of new Idea

2 min readSep 24, 2022

So Apple just announced it’s new products like iPhone 14 series, Apple watch new, etc and I’m gonna surely make a detailed article on that. I know I’m too late to make an article on that, but I’d rather publish my article late rather than releasing it fast and garbage. You know… Just like Apple I guess.

That being said, the major feature we got in iPhone 14 high end series is the great “Dynamic notch” which is basically a dotted hardware camera with black rounded rectangular screen behind it making it look like a floating notch. This idea started by Apple has already sparked many Android developers to develop an App which does the same thing in the Android market.

Introducing, “Dynamic Island”. The literal copy of iPhone dynamic notch but for android. Now I have to say that the developers of this were VERY QUICK and I appreciate them for that. With that said, it does come with bugs, and has comparatively lesser features as of right now since it’s SO early. The developers promise to actually get all the features from iPhone to Android notch in no time, I although I think this is gonna take a while.

Now I do have to say… This is not a sponsored article, nor is it self promotion. I have no relation with this app. I just think its so cool to see developers developing this and me using it.

I’ll definitely make more videos on this in my YouTube channel, Substack, or Medium. If you feel like supporting me, you could always do that through Patreon. With that said, hope you liked it, and I know this is a very short article. I’ll make longer articles as usual, but I think this is something which should be shared. Hope you enjoyed reading this small article, and I’ll meet you in the next video/article/newsletter.

You’re Awesome :)





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