Fixing blurry images with HitPaw Photo Enhancer

Some pics just cannot be taken more than once and you’ve probably messed up a pic at some point. Well… Here’s how you could make the most out of it.

5 min readJul 15, 2022

Ladies and Gentlemen… I think many of us forget that we live in a day and age where anything could be made into better quality using just that laptop lying in the corner of the room. Over the recent few days, I’ve been testing around with some software, and it has left me very impressed.

What Even Is a Photo Enhancement?

“Photo enhancement” has been around from time as early as the 1950s. BUT, it was considered more of a service than software. Yep, people used to manually color grade, and add details to the image. People even today work to add details to an image and provide their part of the service.

But, things are changing. Things get cheaper when technology takes over a service or work to be done as we all know. People no longer travel on horseback, nor do they get smallpox. Well, photo enhancement has a very similar history.

The Software

There is a lot of software that does the job of photo enhancement. Although in this article, I’ll be talking about specific software, which I like and use for photo enhancement.

As software, there are many types of enhancements, like color, detail, face, denoise, etc which could be done on an image, We’ll Also talk about that in the latter section of the article.

What Is HitPaw Photo Enhancer?

Along with many core products like a video editor, watermark remover, etc, HitPaw has also developed an Image enhancer. It has a simple user interface to work around and enhances the image based on face, color, etc.

Fix Pixelized images

As the name suggests, it makes an Image way fewer pixels and adds the details needed.

Finer, less blurry images

There are places in an image where the image is a bit too blurry and does not look decent. Think about the last time you took a picture with your shaky hands. And as you might guess the enhancer makes way better.

How does it Work?

Thankfully, the UI is way simpler and could be used by anyone who is not living under a cave. Although there are thousands of Image enhancers, in this article we would be using HitPaw Photo enhancer.

I chose HitPaw since it seems to balance out the ease of use, and a high number of features in the best way and is simple and quick to have and use. It’s also free to view and use although you have to pay for it if you want to export the Image you love.

Get the worst Image you’ve got To Turn it into A Decent Image

As simple as that. Just get an image that you want to have enhanced and look better. The below image is what I got from google.

Literally detected my face and removed the background for me…

Since my example has a face, I’m simply going to choose a face model. This is gonna add the basic details a face needs, and denoise it if it was taken by your grandpa.

Installing And Import

Official Website

Download Now

Available for Windows 11/10/8/7 64-bit

Go to the above website, and install the HitPaw Image enhancer. Once installed, open the app, choose the image through the app, and that’s it. You can then choose an option on the right based on what you want to achieve, Like a face enhancer, Denoiser, or anything you wish based on the image, and your mood(yes… it even depends on your mood).


The complete process comprises 3 steps: —

  • Click on export
  • Register/login into your account if you haven't. The cost offered by HitPaw to get the results are fair in pricing and isn’t competing with iPhones(if you know what I mean).
  • Select where you want it to be exported(Desktop folder, document folder, etc).

That’s it! Congrats on bringing that dead image back to life. All you have to do now is use it as your profile or whatever you were about to do with that image ig.

Why HitPaw?

Personally, I think there are some advantages I got from using this photo enhancer: —

  • Simple and does your work — It does not have complex UIs or overfilled options for you. It has the perfect number of selected features for you which it does right.
  • Cheap — The quality of the software is what we pay for. At the time of writing this, I genuinely could not find an image enhancer that does the work for free, with high quality. The ones which I did find were either too simple or had some major setbacks(like the processed image appearing too artificial) in it.


I think it’s a very good software for a quick fine edit to do with your Instagram posts or some last-minute stuff for your snaps. Even if not on social media, I think it’s good software to have on your computer for any kind of image refining.

I hope you guys enjoyed this article, I’ll maybe make more videos on HitPaw’s products in the future, over on my YouTube channel, and Twitter, so makes sure you follow/subscribe just so you don’t miss on stuff I’ve planned for you. With that said, I’ll meet you at the one.

You’re Awesome :)





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